Monday, February 19, 2007

All My Own Work!

My name is Lucy and I am 10 years old. I am very bored with winter so I was quite naughty and I ripped my Mom's kitchen wallpaper. She was very cross with me. Now I am going to start work on the dining room, but Mom is watching me right now through that flashy thing that takes pictures, so I have to pretend to be good for a little while longer. I wanted to say Hi to all the other pets on here.

Lucy in snowy and cold, NB Canada


At February 20, 2007 at 12:20 PM , Blogger Judy in Ohio said...

Lucy, it appears as though your taste in wallpaper (pun intended) is quite good. You have a lovely home and apparently are ready for some spring cleaning and redecorating. I wish you well as you endeavor to convince your human staff to carry out your wishes. Rip away, dear, and they will soon understand ....


At February 22, 2007 at 12:36 AM , Blogger Celia in NB said...

Judy, I am back in good books again. Mom doesn't stay cross with me for too long. I am just a teeny, weeny bit spoiled. Okay, okay, I am a lot spoiled 8^ I was a bit naughty though because Mom and Dad have just sold this house and we are getting a new one. So Mom has to try and find the spare pieces of wallpaper she has stored away somewhere so she can repair my art work. Oh dear, I had better be well behaved now or they might leave me to live with the new owners. That would be awful because I am the Princess of the Universe here!



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