Sunday, April 18, 2010

Moles! (the varmint type)

I'm not grossed out yet.... although after reading Rosey's post on the worms, I pass the baton to her as President of the Easily Amused Association. LOL

I'm going to wage war on moles this year. Our entire 1/2 half acre back yard is one big mole tunnel. They're invading the front yard, too. I've done extensive internet research, and determined that I must order mole traps in order to eradicate them. Ugh .....

Ten years ago, I trapped skunks & possums in a Hav-A-Hart trap. Got six of each, and our animal control dept. picked them up. They're known to carry rabies around here. We got tired of gagging in the middle of the night from skunk spray under our window.

So now the moles will need to look out. I found some good videos on YouTube and some mole-trap vendors online. Eeeeew . . . It will be cheaper than paying The Mole-inator (yes, that's a real company here!LOL) I feel like I need a Davey Crocket hat, or something. I will order traps and keep y'all posted.

Oh, here's a good video to watch... reminds me of CaddyShack:


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