Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Sara and Rosey, is either of you finding hair on you pillow? How about super dry skin and hair or breaking fingernails? These are the symptoms I've had when I've been low. It's been so long since I started taking the thyroxin that I can't remember how long it took to kick in. I just noticed that I didn't hate the kindergartners in my class I was teaching and I didn't have to take them out for a "nature walk" so I wouldn't fall asleep in class. Five year olds deserve better than that from a teacher. In those days there was no such thing as a teacher's aid or a class with only 20 kids in it. Once I was sitting in a kindergarten chair back when I had functioning knees and weighed forty pounds less than I do now. The kids were sitting on the floor around me. I turned the book around to show them the picture on the page I'd just read and the next thing I knew I heard a child's voice saying "Mrs. Brown, why are your eyes closed?" Years later I learned that the reason I wasn't obese was that with endometriosis I had such horrendous menstrual flow that I was no doubt anemic a good part of the time and I ate like a lumber jack just to remake all that hemoglobin. Once under treatment I was not nearly as impaired and actually enjoyed my job. Five year olds are, or were in those days, so innocent.

I have boxes of papers and books that I need to go through and I'm going to buy some of those filter masks. The last time I did that job I just about sneezed my brains out. It's bad enough this time of year.

Did I tell you guys that I'm taking the train to Rochester next week? It leaves a very small town in north GA where I attend a quilt retreat every Nov. It's a pleasant rural drive of 2 hours or so and the town is so small that finding the station will be easy. I have a roomette for the overnight ride to NY City where I change trains at Penn Sta. and will take the coach for the rest of the trip. I will arrive in Rochester at about 11 pm and my brother will already be there (he's drivng from NM) to pick me up. There will be lots of festivities put on by DD#1 and her boyfriend through the weekend. I'm looking forward to it. I'll spend as much time with grands as they are willing to.

Time for NCIS which is about the only tv show I watch regularly. Otherwise it's public tv for Masterpiece Theater and such and old movies.



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