Monday, April 12, 2010


SARA, all that yard work makes my nose itch and sneeze just to think about it. I still find the warm salt (non iodized salt) wash all the way with an ear syringe very helpful. I use the syringe in order to get that wash as far up and as far back as I can until the gag reflex is engaged. It's disgusting and one makes repulsive noises but a lot of stuff is cleared including the post nasal stuff accumulated over night. My doc says it clears as much as possible in the way of allergens and bacteria. My microbiologist quilting pal also says the salt actually kills a lot of bacteria. I haven't had a sinus infection since I got serious and do this every morning and sometimes at bedtimes.

I've been correcting hypothyroid problems since I was 21. I should have been starting at about 16 when I was falling asleep at school, the supper table and bathtub. No danger in bathtub, by the way, when your nose slips under water you wake up abruptly to say the least. Family doc was a jerk and he never suggested a test. I learned about thyroid function in high school biology. He must have missed school that day. I once fell asleep standing in the interminable lines at university registration in the dark ages when it was done manually. I woke with a start when my knees began to buckle. I didn't weigh 300 pounds so the idiots at health service said "all undergraduates are tired". It was later after graduation when the gyn asked about my pep and energy when seriously looking at my fertility problem in view of the late diagnosis of endometriosis. I told him I hadn't had any since my mid teens. Sure enough, even after the crude testing of oxygen consumption in those days it was obvious. You have no idea what a difference that made in my life. By the way, I conceived not too long after that. Better send Carl out to the barn to sleep!

MARION, forget how long the flight is from England. How long a flight is it from Cullowhee, NC USA? I'll show up on your doorstep some day. You live in such a beautiful part of the world. Don't I wish I could afford it.



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