Sunday, September 23, 2012

Yesterday and today have been two of the most gorgeous days I can remember. I made time to go to the Botanical Gardens yesterday, and in the butterfly house I saw 3 of these:
The volunteer working said they are "blue wings" If so, they are not native to this area, but they are absolutely gorgeous. I thought there were laws prohibiting bringing insects etc. into the country, but maybe since the Gardens are a breeding center they got a waiver... Anyway it was a real treat to spot them and it made my day. Laura in Alabama


At September 26, 2012 at 6:41 PM , Blogger blocke Oregon said...

I worked in our zoo butterfly house one summer with my DGD. The blue morphos are shipped to the butterfly house from their tropical incubation country and then hatch out in the butterfly houses. The first thing we learned about guarding the door was that if we allowed any of the butterflies out we had to chase them down and return them to the habitat. No mixing with the local butterflies was allowed. The blue color made them the stars of the show.

At September 26, 2012 at 6:42 PM , Blogger blocke Oregon said...

I worked in our zoo butterfly house one summer with my DGD. The blue morphos are shipped to the butterfly house from their tropical incubation country and then hatch out in the butterfly houses. The first thing we learned about guarding the door was that if we allowed any of the butterflies out we had to chase them down and return them to the habitat. No mixing with the local butterflies was allowed. The blue color made them the stars of the show.


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