Thursday, May 19, 2011

the saga of the field mouse

DS1 who thinks he know all has a mouse in his house. It only comes out to play when he is on the computer and can see into the kitchen. I did offer him one of my kittens and he laughed at me so won't get any sympathy here. After much trying of traps to ensure it killed quickly , totally amusing the Orientals in the store, how often do you see a grown? man trying his fingers in a trap to make sure it kills quickly? He duly arrived home and set the thing and waited and waited......... he set it FIVE times and the wee mouse took the bait each time. Can you see hear the laughter. after few mouseless days he saw a tail sneaking into one of the cupboards and quickly got a box with a lid and crept up to the cupboard and rustled the shelf higher than the box, mouse jumped into box and after a panic stricken couple of seconds he got the lid on and voila!!!! one mouse was caught . He couldn't bear to kill it so took it downstairs and put it over the next door neighbours fence. went upstairs very pleased with himself and sat down at the computer again and saw another little mouse scuttle by. His wife is still laughing along with the rest of the family. Hugs Bee with no mice but keeps a cat.


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