Today, I am GRUMPY !!

Here in Southern Ontario it is a week for growing mushrooms, mold, anything that likes damp, drizzly, foggy, grey, depressing weather including the grass that is growing like wildfire outside my studio window. We'll need a goat or a bush hog to cut it down if the sun doesn't shine soon and dry us out. And, I have a cold. Such an insult in the month of May when spring is supposed to be an event on our calendar, not an excuse for more rain and more colds. There is a saying here, April showers, bring May flowers. Not so this year.
But that's not why I'm grumpy. I'm upset because I know many people read the Chat Board and enjoy it but don't take the time to say 'hello' and share a bit of their lives with us here. Pleae think about it; it would be nice to see some new and old faces here again. If you have time to read the board, you have time to post. There. Like I said, I'm grumpy.
We've just some well work done this morning. The heavy back-hoe and dually diesel truck have torn up what we call our lawn outside our front door, a place which I like to have looking nice for guests, as presentation is important with a B&B...first impressions being what they are. The lawn is torn up but the well had to be brought up to code. It's govt. rules now. Because we're a B&B, they've come to us first; private homeowners will be next on their list. If and when your home is sold and the well is not up to code, you won't get it passed by the inspector prior to selling. Not sure how many readers live in Ontario but it will affect others I'm sure across the province if you live in the country.
Thanks, Sara, for the compliment. I used to brush my curls out for so many years that people are suprised at how curly it is. I am thankful that curly hair came into fashion.
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