Monday, May 16, 2011

this and that

Belle is just so cute. Your hair is pretty too, Rosey. Not too many people can manage curly hair, or your shade of white, but you do it well.
Deciding today about visiting Mt. Rushmore in S. D. while we are in N.D. We have friends who moved to Rapid City S. D. and insist we come by and stay with them. Wondering if 8 people in a 7 person van is too many. The grands want to see Mt. Rushmore and I suppose DD and DSIL would too. Evidently there were snow flurries last week in N.D.
My DH has been working too hard in the back yard building a waterfall. It will be wonderful when it is finished, but the digging just about did him in on Sat. We had a good 1 and 1/2 in. of rain and thunder storm in the middle of the day, so he had to stop for a few hours. A forced rest is sometimes good.
The rain helped slow down the large swamp fire in the Okefonoekee swamp, just across the Georgia border. It has been burning for 3 week, and there are some days the smoke comes this way. It's bad for people with breathing problems, and stinks too. Seems that fires in a swamp are hard to fight as they are hard to reach.
Other than that we are up to our armpits in DH's brother's paperwork and stuff. It all smells of cigarettes, and gives me a sinus headache. I've spread lots of it on the back deck, between the rain storms, and aired most of it out. So far haven't found any life insurance, or will. Just lots of credit card info. that is at least 10 years old. My DH is the last of his family, so it is emotionally hard. There are 4 grand kids, but they don't have our last name.
OK, on a more upbeat note, I've lost 7 lbs. Lots of fruits and veggies, walnuts on salads, and no red meat. Or chicken. Have had fish twice a week, and seem to be doing well.
Hope everyone has a great Monday.
Sara in Fla.


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