Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring where art thou?

Sounds good anyhow, haha. Our area's annual snowfall is 16 inch average--it appears we have gotten that level. The first snow that missed Jane and came here was 3 inches, the next one was 9 at our house (2,026 ft. elev.) and the last few days was a few more along with the Arctic wind. Our daily temps have ranged from 9-10 with a zero wind chill to a high of 19. It was 2 degrees warmer in Anchorage the other day so needless to say DH had to nag me because I wouldn't move to Alaska. The second severe storm here knocked out 40,000 homes electric in the region and a substation. We didn't lose ours, thank God.

Sara, it snowed in Fort Pierce in 1977. A couple years ago when we were down there it was supposed to snow in Port St. Lucie. So much for a warm vacation that began in Phoenix, which was 32, San Antonio not much warmer.)

Jane re the throat clearing, that sometimes comes with thyroid problems, too, just a thought but sounds like he has all the problems he can handle.

In a moment of temporary insanity I bought the Judy Niemeyer Christmas Celebration tree skirt pattern costing $25..there was a beautiful sample at the store, of course..thinking the Christmas fabric would shortly be on sale. It is, and do you think I can find where I put the pattern? I just hope it didn't get chucked with the current spring housecleaning going on while we're stuck inside. Aargh....also still have five projects in boxes for the last number of years that need to be tackled.

Stay warm everyone and have a healthy and happy New Year.


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