Sunday, March 8, 2009

This & that and daylight "savings" time

I forgot who posted last year about our so-called "Daylight Savings Time" here in the USA, but it was a quote from an native American Indian saying that only a white man would cut 3 inches off the top of a blanket and sew it onto the bottom and think he has a longer blanket. Exactly how I feel. No wonder all the babies were crying in church this morning.

LAURA IN AL. loved the picture of the daffodils, I haven't seen any since I was a child in VA. To get them to grow in Fla. you have to dig them up each year and put them in the fridge for 3 months, then replant. Not something I'm interested in doing.

DH and I spent about 2 hours this afternoon taking the king size bed apart, box springs, etc. so we could fix one of the braces that keeps falling apart and leaves a saggy part under the mattress. Hopefully this repair will hold this time, as we used some screws, etc. on it. Very poor design. We also put 6 1" x 4" slats there to help hold the heavy mattress and heavy bodies up. There wasn't much dust, and the sheets are in the wash so there should be peaceful sleep tonight. Enough work for a Sunday afternoon.

Between the oak pollen and the dog dander and wind my sinuses and eyes have had a hard week. I have switched from Singular to Claritin, and find it works better for me. Nothing will stop everything, we have to live our lives, including yard work! At least the Claritin is over the counter, and much cheaper than the Singular. Hopefully this next week won't be as windy.
March certainly came in like a lion here.
OK, there were more thoughts, but they have flown away.
Where is Anna from Spain? I've been thinking about you and your DH and all the problems you had with the health care a few years ago trying to get his disability. It looks like that type of "care" is going to be what we in the USA are in for before too long. But that's another post. Going to relax, drink iced tea and read the garden and travel sections of today's paper.
Sara in Fla.


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