Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Test pilot

Since a computer gremlin has knocked me out of another forum that I visit, I wondered if this one would work. It does.

So I'll say this: if you were having a Thanksgiving turkey in southern Ontario, you'd need to provide it with skates, a scarf, toque and a snowsuit.

Guess what is happening outside?!

It had to happen sometime. Problem is it's rained all day and with the snow on top of the rain, black ice. Not good.

Sara will enjoy a nice warm turkey, Doris will enjoy and slightly colder American Thanksgiving and Canada...well, we're sensible, we have ours in 90F least we did this year and everyone helping run the log splitter for our winter's wood was running around like stuck-pigs and not likely to come back for another Thanksgiving turkey dinner at our house.



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