Thursday, December 18, 2014


I am conflicted about Christmas and have been mulling it over in my mind all season. No conclusions yet and I just don't feel like talking about it. I do wish good will to all my quilt friends here though.


At December 18, 2014 at 9:31 AM , Blogger RoseyP said...

Noticed that the "Hmmm!" Post had listed twice so deleted one, but in fact it wasn't one that made the board and I wiped out my original posting.

So, Laura, here I am tagging on to your post...about "Hmmm!"..

.My father and my husband both died within three months of each other in the early '70's. That was a game-changer for me in regard to Xmas. It happened in the last six months of that year and the heart and soul literally went out of my life and out of Christmas. My son, who was six at the time, rallied around and got out all the Xmas decorations that first Christmas, I had no heart for it. Even though my mother and I continued to make Christmas nice for our children, the fact was, it was a hole in my life that changed everything. I'd always been surrounded by family, my mother had a very large and boisterous family, my father a smaller one but we all met at Christmas. My late husband was the last of seven children, we ate two turkey dinners on Christmas Day. It's the way it was. Life goes on but somehow, for me, Christmas was never the same after those two deaths. That is when I began to take a different look at what it represented in my life. Although I had close ties with our church all during the years I lived in the city (45 yrs.) and although my life has moved on, there are some parts that just are as they are for me and some things that have had a very large impact on my being.


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