Sunday, July 29, 2012

more & more difficult to post

It has been less than a week since I last posted, but things have changed again.
Was trying to make a comment, but it wouldn't post. 
Thanks Jill and Kathi is what I was going to say.  I had not thought of an Oregon wine tour, even though our favorite wines are Columbia Valley Rieslings.  DH is interested in the drive down the coast--that 17 mile drive that is supposed to be so lovely.  Maybe we could do some of each.  When I get a spare min. I'll go to the AAA travel people and ask them.  Their web site is not user friendly (IMHO) and have had more success in person.
We have 95 plus weather in the last few days, with 95% humidity.  Makes you feel like walking in a sponge.  When I go outside my glasses fog up.  Very good for A/C business.  Had to hire another tech. 
Have we all been watching the Olympics?   I want to know what the N.Z. person carrying the flag was wearing.  It must have been some national costume, looked like it had feathers on it.  The TV shot was only 10 sec. or so, was interesting.   We have a friend who's son is on a swim team, so we are all watching the men's swimming with interest.  They home school, and the boy swims with a coach almost every day, summer and all year round.  We are talking about the 2016 Olympics for him.
Really want to go to church this morning, have missed so many Sundays.  Got to run and shower.
Sara in Fa.


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