Sunday, May 27, 2012


Alligators in Canada! good grief...We've had some coyote issues locally, but other than that the wildlife here is pretty small. Deer are always a danger going to school in the early mornings, but thank goodness we don't have too many predators threatening our pets. Here are a couple of pictures from my day trip to the beach last week.
They were flying the yellow flag (moderately high surf, caution) and the purple flag (dangerous sea life) while I was there. I think I saw one jellyfish, so I guess that was the dangerous sea life. The waves were definitely higher than I am used to seeing. The birds were unusually cooperative this trip.
I've been off from school for a week, and have accomplished nothing but a visit with my parents. I hope to get a little more done this week and in the upcoming weeks, because I was crazy enough to accept a part in the church dinner theater, which will go into production after school starts. I hope to have everything possible completed before school starts. Take care! Laura in Alabama


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