Signing in
The problem may be in the 'sign in' at the top right on the blog page. Once you manage to get it up, bookmark the site (I have it on my toolbar but since I switched to Windows 8, it and other stuff keeps falling off and I have to reset it). I upgraded on the advice of my computer store owner in town. I was perfectly happy with the old one, computer purchased in 2003 or thereabouts. I was told: Oh, you won't be able to get, etc. etc. and now I wish I hadn't bothered. These people who are into computers use them to a far greater extent than I do. Maybe this will help some of those who couldn't get on. I lost my sign in on my toolbar and tried to go in through the chat page sign in. Didn't work.Rosey
for some reason I keep getting an error message.
Just wanted to let you all know we had a fantastic trip and as soon as I can sign in I will write about it
I'll keep checking.
ROSEY - when I click on the Sign In icon (and I am already signed in or I could not be able to post here....), this is what I get:
We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.
When reporting this error to Blogger Support or on the Blogger Help Group, please:
Describe what you were doing when you got this error.
Provide the following error code and additional information.
Additional information
uri: /home
This information will help us to track down your specific problem and fix it! We apologize for the inconvenience.
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See if anyone else is having the same problem: Search the Blogger Help Group for bX-1tj3ze
If you don't get any results for that search, you can start a new topic. Please make sure to mention bX-1tj3ze in your message.
Doris - i got the same message. We're off in about 30 minutes - time to take DD back to college. Already! Summer was so strange with the unusual weather and the over-abundance of bugs! We've decided to screen in our deck as a first-line defense against them for next year. I'll post when I can sign in....Joleen in MN
I ran into the same problem. This is something new for me. I've always been able to post, even when others said that they couldn't. Has anyone tried going through the hoops with the error repor/blogger support, etc?
I may have to try posting just to see
wow it wants my google password, ouch
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