electric collars
I well remember Doni's post, where she told how Mark tested that collar before they put it on Buford. I never laughed so hard in my life.Bee, I'll bet that mouse ran right back to your son's house. Too funny...
We had sunshine today! Weather warmer than 60F! Mole-inator came and checked his traps, and found another mole in one of the buried traps for a total of four caught this week. He has used two types, and the buried ones (cannot see them from above the ground....he has little flags to mark them) and the buried ones are the ones that are catching the moles. Last autumn, his normal scissors type caught four moles.. Hooray!
I did some more piecing and trimming today on my Ruby Slippers quilt. I need 288 half-square triangles that are 1.25" unfinished. I purchased the kit and pattern at one of the AQS shows, too many years ago, and I really need to get this made.

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