Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's Interesting How....

Because we feel we live ordinary lives and we're ordinary people and nothing much exciting happens unless it's a great trauma or tragedy, sometimes personal and we don't want to share this on the board or because it's a national emergency such as New Zealand has had recently, that we feel we have nothing to share here. And, yet, I could put myself into Sara's backyard and wanted to take a hose, a broom, a shovel, anything to get that racoon out of her backyard. The fact that it had one of the dogs in its grip, amazed me that the dog survived the attack. And the responsible and only thing to do was to go to the vets for rabies updates. There are some animals that don't belong in our daytime world but they seem to have no trouble encroaching on it. This morning, as I was leaving our bedroom upstairs, I looked out upon the field next door. There is a 'runway' of sorts that the deer and coyotes use to track through the property. It runs parallel to our house and close enough to give me a very good look at what animal it is. This morning, two coyotes ran/trotted, really...through the field at 7 o'clock this morning. Now, I don't like to see coyotes out during the daytime because of our dogs. Geordie is nearing 15 yrs. ; one slight push and he'd be down and a meal for them. I knocked loudly on the window as this will sometimes scare them; it didn't. They cut through our field about twenty feet beyond and slowed down to inspect some odour; I raced down, ran outside, no coat, it is cold, yelling at them. I came in and Jock said: "well, I guess you told them...they didn't pay one bit of attention to you and likely said: It's that old bag who lives in that house yelling at us again!" That is the start of my day.

Marion, I've had this darned sinus infection that is going around our area with wild abandon and glee at getting stuck in people's sinuses for about two months. Only two days of incapacitation, like your daughter, but the rest, I've been dragging my rather plump bottom around with not a great deal of energy. I hope you don't come down with it yourself. And I too have been devouring chicken soup, in fact, this will be my breakfast and top the dogs breakfast as well.

And that, so far, is my day. Friends Beckie, Joan & Judy will be coming in this morning to quilt and the birds are telling me that I'm out of birdseed and to get myself out there and give them their breakfast.

I'm very glad to have an uneventful life. It has not always been so in this household, so boring is good.



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