Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Excitement that I didn't need

Well, things have been lively here. As usual I took a 1/2 hr. nap on the couch, then let the dogs outside. I heard lots of yelping, and leaves were flying as soon as I went back inside. There was a raccoon out back, and the dogs decided that he was on Their property. Lots of rolling around, I was yelling, poor Polly, who is slightly smaller, was getting the worst of it. The raccoon was on top of her and they were all going at it. When I started waving my arms around and picked up a stick, the raccoon went to the top of the fence, then looked at me like I was trespassing on his yard.
After a check of both dogs, I called the county rabies center, who said that I shouldn't be worried a raccoon out during the day. According to them they are looking for food and water.
Took both dogs to the vet anyway. Polly has a small cut on the side of the face, got a booster rabies shot, and we went home with antibiotics.
Now they are nervous about going out. I took a bucket and bailed out our small pond, and emptied the water from the bird bath. When I let them outside today I walked out there with them and checked around the yard. I guess the 1/2 Jack Russell in them wouldn't back down from a fight.
Talked to both neighbors, one of them has a trap, so he was going to set it today.
Each of them has a pool, so they said they would be on the lookout for raccoons.
Whew! Enough of that.
I've been after DH to clean out the pond, get the pump motor fixed or replaced, and generally get yard back in "spring" order. This will motivate us to get it cleaned up faster.
The tree pollen has been getting me down, and the sinuses are full. Hopefully it won't get worse, but I can keep it in check.
Sara in Fla.


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