Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Edwin Drood is, indeed, a cliff hanger of the highest order. I was stunned when I got to the end of it and that wasn't the end. I'd forgotten that. Not sure if I read it or listened it's been so long. I got into books on tape 18 years ago. I was painting the inside of kitchen cupboards getting the FL house ready for sale when I stumbled across them at the library. It's wonderful to listen to an engaging book being well read while one is doing something as mindless as painting the inside of cupboards. It's also great on long road trips; more than background music. However, when I tried to listen to Stephen Hawkings "A Brief History of Time" it didn't work too well. I listened to what was probably the first few pages about six times and never understood any beyond his promise that the book was written for laymen and that there were no equations. Even sitting in a chair doing nothing else didn't help so I gave up. I am no cosmologist or physicist or whatever he is. I just know he's light years over my head. If you are not sure where you're going and need to find your way silence in the car is best. Ask me how I know.

Let us commit to each other among the walkers and report in now and then. If you don't have a walking buddy close at hand we can try to fill the void for each other. Sara, I thought you were running 1/2 marathons these days. Fl summers are not conducive to such things. When I quit smoking 19 years ago I got serious about walking but got up at 5:30 to do it before work and before it got hot. I remember one neighborhood that had very large live oak trees overhanging the street and the trees were full of bats. One tended to have to wave one's hands around if it was still dark. I thought it was funny until I read in the St. Pete Times that rabid bats were beginning to be a problem.

I'm actually spending a few hours a day making the Juki smoke as I make blocks for DD's wedding quilt. I really am very content in that room getting lost in the process. Shadow comes in and takes a nap on a bed I have for her in there. I've even got a plastic container of pieces of doggie jerky for her. She's such a pal. She's snoozing nearby right now near the computer. She's much improved since last spring and is eating less but regularly and it's normal dog food. Her weight is fine so she's getting enough. Like the elderly lady she is she's adjusted her intake to her gradually reducing activity level. Would that I could follow that pattern so easily and naturally.

Rain and clouds all day but supposed to brighten up tomorrow so the two old broads will climb up the mountainside alongside my house.



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