Monday, October 26, 2009

checking in

thank you Jane and Marion for the gorgeous pictures you posted. Jane, I have yours up as my desktop background right now.
Still no snow here and the weather, while very wet, is reasonably mild. It's like a miracle after so many years of early snow.
My oldest daughter gathered her sister and I together on Sunday for a serious talk about getting healthy and in shape. We are all three at very different stages of fitness (guess who's in the worst shape?? LOL), but we all want to lose some weight and move around more comfortably. I've been so depressed about this. Late last summer and going forward to when the winter set in permanently, I was walking an outdoor track every day and following Canada's food guide while working on portion control. I lost 30 pounds (drop in the bucket, but very encouraging). Through the winter I didn't walk but I still lost a few more pounds. Then we moved and I regressed. Haven't weighed but I know I'm heavier. Anyway, we are going to be a support group for one another, and my sister is going to take part by email. For the past few days I've been monitoring (and somewhat controlling) my eating and I've walked 20 - 30 min. each day. Wish me luck.
DD#1 also mentioned that as a family we need to find some ways to celebrate family occasions that aren't focussed so intensely on food. My husband didn't look so happy when I mentioned that. It's our 41st anniversary today, and we are going out to eat. Can't change everything all at once!
Along with the new resolve and feeling positive, I sent out a couple of resumes and have a lead on an online teaching contract. Don't know if it's going to work out, but it feels good to be trying.
Hugs to all, Brenda in Nn Ontario


At October 26, 2009 at 5:26 PM , Blogger Sara in Florida said...

Way to go! I have been looking for support for my walking with friends, just not getting any. I did buy myself a new pair of Asic gell walking/running shoes and plan to use them 3 X a week.
Let me know how far you go and I'll cyber-walk with you.
Sara in Fla.


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