Thursday, January 29, 2009


Rosey, the inlaws are divorced and remarried but apparently they get along fine. They have been very supportive of their ex son in law and have even taken his side on the custody issue as they know how irresponsible their DD is. They've been the ones to pick a sick kid up at school etc. They help "supervise" visitation as ex is court ordered to have such supervision. When she's been allowed to have them without supervision it has always ended up with "I can't wake Mommy up" and they have to be rescued. The wedding weekend for some reason unknown to me is Mom's weekend so that will no doubt be a hassle. Don't understand why that date was chosen.

Things are looking very formal and I have pictures of DD modeling her dress, gorgeous, expensive and formal with a long train and beading. That means mother of the bride will have to do some serious shopping, possibly find someone to make an outfit that really fits. Trouble is, what kind of dress will go with my New Balance cross trainers. I have a pair in black and two older ones in white. I cringe at the idea of dress shoes.

Drove to town today and am joining the girls at the frame and lunch tomorrow for first time since mid November.




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