Thursday, October 9, 2008


We are hearing so much about the elections in America, we also have our elections in Nov but there seems to be as much about the American voters as our lot. We have a lot of racism here , not supposed to be ,but there is and a lot of it is from the Maori radicals. I like to think I don't let a colour change my way of thinking, in our group of quilters we have several different shades of colour and we are all really good friends. Quite often we hear about racial problems here and I can't see why . All are really nice people and we should not judge by race or colour. We live in a multi race area and I love it , always something to learn and the cooking , Yum .I try to live by the Golden Rule and wish others would do the same. Hugs to all from a sunny but cool NZ, Bee, in my asbestos panties.


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