Saturday, September 15, 2007

quilting and threads

Hi, I agree with Judy Pete about thread etc. We are all quilters of different styles. We have different machines to work with. So we need to find the thread or the fabric that works for what ever we do. You are going to have a certain amount of "lint" buildup no matter what you do, and working with flannel or batting creates a lot. So keep you machines clean, put a new needle in frequently and just go for it. I too, do not use polyester thread in bins that sells for 5 for $1.oo but thats my choice. I just recently attended a large quilt show in Harrisburg Pa. and the machine quilting on the quilts was amazing. I could never, nor will I try, do that. The metallic threads really do a beautiful job. My quilts however, are made to be used, loved and comforted. I love to sew and thats what I do. No quilt police in my house. Marge


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