Saturday, July 14, 2007


No, Marion, I would say that this family is exceptional in size. In the 'old' days, this number of children, one hundred and fifty years ago or less would not have been so. Their religious beliefs preclude profilactics (sp?) so every child is a gift of God and truly this is so for most people. The mom home schools the children as well. They are a lovely family but as the mom said yesterday when I visited with her, she remembers all too well what delivering a child means and at forty-seven is aware of the possible complications and of course, the pain. She will be glad when it's over. I'm not sure what size to make her receiving blankets. I guess, with no response, I'll head off to Fabricland on Monday and see what they say. My guess might be 1 yd. x 1 yd.

Marion, do you do the 'haka' (sp?)......Jock demonstrated it the other day. I'm glad he doesn't live in NZ. He might get arrested for that...well, maybe here, he would, not



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