I'm back home after a lovely visit with family in the DC area (DB, DSIL, and niece and nephew.) This is the first time I've visited them without my parents. I love them dearly, but they are not able to do the "tourist" thing as actively as I wanted to do, so I went without them this time. If you ever get a chance to go to DC, visit the Library of Congress. The building is unbelievable. I was expecting a "library," but the only book I saw was a copy of the Gutenberg Bible (under glass). Instead, you'll see the most incredible building in the area. Here's a copy of the photo I took that I like best. There are others that show more of the building, if anyone wants more.
After my visit to DC, I spent a few days in Montgomery visiting my parents. We didn't do much except eat and swim, so I need to get back to my routine and work on losing some more inches. Last summer's clothes are needing to be "shrunk," which is good, but I need to keep going.
I finally got home today, after leaving town 6/22. I have a week at home, and then I have to go to a workshop next week. School will start before I know it, and I haven't been home enough to finish anything quilty.
Rosey, I feel for you with the gum escapade. As a teacher, gum is one of the banes of my existence. I am glad it was that, however, and not one of the many other nastier things my students have sometimes participated in. How old are these DGC?
Laura in Alabama, where we've FINALLY gotten a little bit of rain.
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