Friday, July 6, 2007


I'm just now watching a flock of grackles giving a male cardinal a wide berth at my feeding station outside my studio window. And I watch also the female cardinals dooking it out with cowbirds and grackles and coming out the winner...Those grackles are so nervy and eat me out of house and home in the birdseed dept. But it's worth feeding the birds for all the pretty ones that come in whose manners are much superior to these black and purple thieves.

Marion, I cannot for the life of me believe that one second is all that it takes to win a race. My heavens. Cathi, the temperatures all around are out of whack, including our lack of rain. Bev, I've seen photos of the floods in England and it's hard to believe. We need rain here badly.

I'm just home from our sojurn at the cottage and the back seat of my car, after one diminutive 'angel princess' with long blond curly hair and the temper of a tiger, plus her ten year old sister, looks like a grocery store in drag. I have to vaccuum out the car before I can put the seats back down for the dogs. On the other hands, maybe I should just let the dogs loose in the car. They'd eat all the crumbs and save me vaccuuming it out. Grandma is decidedly weary after all that driving, back and forth to Georgian Bay, then over to Guelph, where my DD lives. But thank heavens for grandchildren, Marion, would you agree or are you ready for a holiday about now?



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