JEAN, you're doing great with the weight loss thing--keep up the good work!
MARION, good to hear from you! Every time I see little boats fabric now, I think of your little quilt, LOLOL.
We are supposed to get company, but they keep moving the date forward a week. Looks like we won't get to sign up at the Y for a while. DH planted some perennials yesterday, so far looking good--he followed the suggestions of the guy at a large nursery. They had a plant I liked, too. It's called a Pincushion plant. The flower head is sort of round and it has little "pins" sticking up out of it. I'll post the one picture I took (you'll see I am no photographer, but you get the idea hahahaha). Hugs to all. Lavinia
It is a scabiosa - if you keep it deadheaded (pinch off the blooms when they are done) you should get blooms for a long period of time - makes a good cut flower also. Joleen in MN
geewhiz, I have one of those plants which is perennial but is the same size as when I planted it 5 years ago. I think I should move it to another place in the yard or else it doesn't want to grow in the NW.
Betty in Or
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