Saturday, April 27, 2013

I love posting pictures because of the colour they add to the board.  This is a photograph by author Jon Katz which he kindly and freely allows to be taken from his website without charge ( I love his compositions and choice of subjects.

Without infringing on personals, it was great to hear from TerTer overnight.  Fran and her DH spent some time with Terry in California on their last trip through North America last year and I gave Fran a card to give to Ter Ter which she said, she promptly mislaid but found and connected.  I hope she'll also post and say hello if she can get onto the board.

Personally, I feel that quilting and a quilt board has a life and I know the fun and great times we had with Eric & Sue's former internet board.  Unfortunately spam killed the board, along with people who weren't quilters and one dog breeder who loved stirring up trouble on that board with her postings just to watch the feathers fly...Not always do people continue to quilt, either.  For me, it has been a passion that has endured over the years but it doesn't happen with everyone.  My quilting is part of me and who I am, along with my Aussie dogs.

So it's great to hear from Dot and Terry and I hope both will add the occasional post here when and if they can.


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