Monday, April 2, 2012

life is full of changes

I was very interested in the around the world yacht racing. Yesterday I read in the paper that several crew members had to be rescued by the Coast Guard, off of San Francisco, Ca. due to high surf swamping a yacht. There was not much more info. I hope they were able to get the yacht to land.
Funny how things change with a phone call, or e mail.
My brother E mailed me last night that he wasn't feeling well, no energy, having bruising on his legs, nose bleeding, etc. This had been going on for a week. This morning I got an early phone call that he was in the hospital having tests run, and had been there all night. About 1:00 PM he called me (still in the ER) and asked me to come down and get Mom as he might be in the hospital for a month or more getting chemo. He has been diagnosed with Leukemia.
He is in pain in the hip area, hopefully by this writing he has gotten more pain med that he had before and also a room.
So, I'm driving to West Palm Beach, Fla. tomorrow to spend one night and get my Mom to bring her here. Will have to get hold of the hospice social worker who coordinates her care in the home. Hopefully will be able to switch things here without trouble, and continue here care.
My brother is the quiet, thoughtful type, he has been taking care of Mom, and before that my Dad until he died. I'll have to step up to the plate, so to speak.
So, no quilting for me any time soon.
Sara in Fla.


At April 2, 2012 at 4:54 PM , Blogger Laura in Alabama said...

I am so sorry to hear about your brother's problems. I'm sending prayers and good thoughts your direction for an effective treatment!

At April 2, 2012 at 6:42 PM , Blogger RoseyP said...

Sara, that's life, isn't it. I hope your brother has a more extended life than he thinks right now...leukemia is not always fast acting like other cancers. Florida is a big state; how long does it take you to do the drive down to West Palm? Maybe you should think of taking some portable quilting in a box just for sitting in the hospital waiting around. Good to keep the hands busy.

At April 2, 2012 at 8:52 PM , Blogger Sara in Florida said...

Thanks Rosey and Laura.
I'm not planing to be sitting around at the VA hospital at all. I called brother this evening, he is in a room now and on oxycoitin or however you spell it.
Will be at my Mom's house, and hopefully come back to my home on Wed.
It takes about 4 and 1/2 hrs to drive there. Not a bad drive, just long and boring. Straight down I-95 until the exit to their area.
Thanks! Sara

At April 2, 2012 at 8:52 PM , Blogger Sara in Florida said...

He doesn't think he will be up for visits.

At April 2, 2012 at 9:42 PM , Blogger Marion in NZ. said...

Sara, drive carefully, You will have a lot on your mind. I am often reminded that life can change in an instant. Either a phone call or an email or a visit to the Dr. I hope that your brother will be well cared for and well treated in hospital and soon be welcoming visitors.

At April 3, 2012 at 3:37 AM , Blogger Fran (Sth Aust) said...

Thinking of you and your brother, Sara. Take care driving home. Fran

At April 3, 2012 at 4:02 PM , Blogger Bee said...

Sara, so sad to hear of your brother's illness. Look after yourself when your mother comes to stay, most important. We sometimes forget to care for ourselves. prayers on their way. Bee

At April 3, 2012 at 7:48 PM , Blogger Doris W. in TN said...

Sara - I'm so sorry to read about your brother's illness. You and all your family members will be in my thoughts and prayers.


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