Friday, January 27, 2012

Encaustic painting..

That's new to me Rosey but I can see the attraction, both in the "doing" and the "seeing". Love the colours . For me it represents the corner of a garden ! Blurred colourful images, just like my garden ! Thank you for posting the photos. they do liven up the page. Talking of "livening up" I need a bit of that myself. I've been staying up far too late this week watching the semi-finals of the tennis (Australian Open) .

Thank you Jane for the book revues. I was on my way to the library the day you posted, so made a point of asking for books by both authors. To my surprise they had several by each, all but one were out on loan. "The Cruellest Month" was there so that now is in my possession and I'm up to Chapter 6 already. It's Saturday here today and, if I have my way, I should have time to find a quiet corner somewhere this afternoon, and sit back and enjoy !

DH has been busy in the garage this week, making a table. A few years ago he set himself up with some wood-working tools but, after the initial novelty of it wore off, they have remained idle. Last week he broke the outside table, it had a glass top, he miscalculated the position of the hole in the middle, where the umbrella went... Wow ! Did that make a mess ?!? The glass shattered into a million bits . It was everywhere. He was very cross with himself and decided there and then that he would make another table...(he is no carpenter...) He has had some hardwood here for awhile (acquired from the Power Board....taken from old power poles...)_It's all looking good. VERY heavy though, and will take an army of men to move it. (a bit like Bee's son and the shed ..) Watch this space ! I will post a photo when it is finished.

Enjoy the w/end.


At January 27, 2012 at 8:30 PM , Blogger RoseyP said...

Oh Marion, thank you for the chuckle before heading to bed tonight, Friday here in Canada still. I can just see the table glass shattered and lying on the ground, your DH scrambling around to pick up the pieces or was that your And now the finished piece...yes, like Bee's son it may take an army of men to move it and whence in place, there it will stay in perpetuity.


At January 28, 2012 at 1:10 AM , Blogger Marion in NZ. said...

You're right there Rosey ! It will be sold with the property !



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