Wednesday, January 18, 2012


SARA, I'm inclined to sign up for the layered landscape or the Joen Woolfram class (excuse the spelling) because I've always admired her use of color. Ever since that damned accident almost four years ago I've become less active. The guild has grown to about 160 members most of whose names I don't know. My pal and perennial roommate at retreats and I have agreed we should separate at meetings and sit next to someone we don't know. Anyway, we will no doubt share a room unless I decide to commute, and if we can add a third party we save a few bucks. There are so many younger dedicated members who have been working their tails off for more than a year setting this affair up and I'm afraid I haven't been one of them. I did my bit for many years though. If I can get a sit down job I'll pitch in one day. If I'm on my feet, especially on a hard surface like concrete slab things start hurting in fairly short order.

Gotta get moving here. The pups haven't had a walk this week and we, all three of us, are in serious need of same.

PS to the rosearin, who are you? I could almost smell those lovely roses. They look like the old fashioned kind that smell soooo good.



At January 19, 2012 at 10:31 PM , Blogger Doris W. in TN said...

Jane - those are my roses. I do not know why there was a large white space between my post and my screen name. The roses have a lovely scent; I think you would enjoy it.


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