Sunday, June 5, 2011

From Jean in Mill Bay (BB doesn't seem to want her to post)

Here are three that I took a few days ago, intending to put them on the BB in answer to Rosey's request. The views are from three sides of my house. I should take some flower pictures, too -- and it is a shame I can't bottle the scent from the lilacs and arbutus trees. The whole yard smells intoxicating! I think this is the most beautiful time of year here, with everything blooming and just bursting with life. Of course I have just come in from about three hours in the yard and should be spending that much time every day to keep on top of things!

After a record setting cold wet nasty Spring we have suddenly been vaulted into summer weather. I am not complaining, but it is a shock to the plants. Maybe now things will start to catch up...



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