Sunday, November 1, 2009


You are right Jane, I've been let off very lightly. The stabbing pains were bad last w/end and it was three days before I was able to see the Dr. The anti-viral medication I have been taking this week seems to have prevented the virus from spreading, I am still taking pain killers for the head pains.. My tummy has not taken kindly to the drugs and that has been my biggest problem . I am very weary and only get up to take medication before mid-day. I'm lucky I am able to do that. I have the "spots" on the scalp, along my hairline, down my forehead along my eyebrow and around my eye. The Dr says to be very careful to check that I can see clearly out of the eye . So far so good.

On a brighter note, the weather has improved considerably and I have been enjoying sitting out in the garden. I haven't left the property since I went to the Dr last Tuesday and I've appreciated my surroundings.. It occurs to me that I take too little time to enjoy our garden and situation here.... rushing off here and there and for why ?

All the best to the walkers for a good week.


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