Sunday, October 26, 2008

On becoming aware

With all due respect, Lavinia, I understand some of what you have said but I don’t know what to make of “the other countries (Socialist ones at that) bashing my President and my country.”

In Canada, our recent elections engendered endless debates and strong feelings, as well. I couldn’t support either of our main parties and voted for the Green Party this time. However, without differing opinions, without weighing the pros and cons; without listening to debates, reading commentaries and becoming more aware, how does one make a decision on how to vote? And, I now remember that it was Laura who posted the blog site regarding the unbiased reporting of US politics; I was wrong in thinking it was Lavinia.

What happens in US politics affects our country far more than our Canadian politics and elections affect the United States. As a Canadian I do have concerns about the US elections and while I respect John McCain in choosing to run for President of the United States, I cannot support his choice of running mate. In last Thursday’s Toronto Globe & Mail newspaper, Margaret Wente, a columnist not known to sensationalize her subjects, commented that “by the time Mr. McCain picked her (Sarah Palin) for Vice President, he’d spent less than three hours in her company”. That in itself speaks volumes. And, “The main concern about her is the fact that her lack of qualifications is a top concern”. Her demeanor and behaviour on the campaign trail reflect her lack of skill as an international diplomat and politician. She has been plucked from being recently elected as Gov. of Alaska with no international political experience at all. Should McCain be elected as President; should he have health problems given his age; how would you feel about having Sarah Palin as your President? Ms. Wente went on to quote Peggy Noonan, a Wall Street journalist: “The Palin candidacy is a symptom and expression of a new vulgarization in American politics. It’s no good, not for conservatism and not for the country.” This is not a Canadian journalist, it is an American one.

This election is not so much voting for a President as it is in who you are voting in as Vice-President. It would be foolish to think otherwise.



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