Saturday, October 25, 2008


Thanks Marion, please keep your cold weather to yourself. I was out on our deck with a coffee and the next thing, hail....... Not used to hail in the North Island. At least we can look forward to some warm sun soon. All the veggies are doing well , I have anew idea this year and I am growing apple cucumbers up the trellis on one of the decks. Don't think the dog will eat them , still can't grow strawberries anywhere near him. I have them in hanging baskets , while they really look pretty we don't get too many berries. I may change them back to petunias and lobelia, I used to put allysum in the same pot but on our dark decks it used to look like dandruff. Any suggestions for something which looks good but doesn't scatter petals everywhere.? I am in Christmas mode already, which is amazing for me but with a new GK I have lots to make . I found an I spy I hadn't finished so she can use that on the floor . Very quick machine quilting but I am quite pleased with it.Now to finish the Christmas stocking, doll, snake to use as a how to guide, buttons etc! More decorations, DD never use to have a tree and all the decorations I made each year for her have gone somewhere, so we start again. Will be ready for 2009, with luck.Must go and bake something fpr DH , he tends to think he is deprived if the tins are empty. Hugs to all Bee in NZ


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