One last word about gated communities. I think my attitude and that of my neighbors is that although there is inevitably some crime here most of it is meth related and that tends to hit in limited areas. I don't even lock my door when I leave the house and Shadow is such a wimp I doubt if she would scare anyone off. If anyone wants to get into my house all they have to do is go to the front or back porch, kick in a large 3'x5' window and walk in. I do keep a small loaded hand gun in my night stand. The only person I know who was victimized by a burglary was spending his usual winter in FL when his tool shed was broken into and all his tools taken. He was a cabinet maker so the loss was significant. The message conveyed here is one of exclusivity and doesn't win friends around here and these are the friendliest folks I've ever known. During the chamber music festival in the high rent area 20 miles south of here most of the audience are big bucks types who winter in FL and Atlanta and I have attended a number of parties for the "friends" of the festival in such communities. I can't see how the 80 year old retired cop at the gate is going to keep out the baddies. I don't think electric fences with razor wire would be very attractive or popular even though they would provide genuine security. It's just that the local culture and landscape are undergoing radical change and no one likes that. Just a view from my perspective.Well, I guess I'll get my cheat sheet together and stop at the polls today. My nose is going to be sore for all the squeezing it will get when or if I cast a presidential ballot. Here the judges are elected rather than appointed and based on my significant experience in court rooms I believe you have to sit in courts day after day to make sound judgments about the most important characteristics needed on the bench which are impartiality, knowledge of the law(along with a willingness to apply it whether the judges likes it or not) and judicial temperament. All the campaigning in the world doesn't convey any of those.
Jane who is hoping the weather man is getting it right and tomorrow will bring blessed rain.
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