Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday afternoon this and that

It is 3:45 here in north Florida, and a beautiful day. I'm waiting for DH to come home so we can take either the kayaks or the bikes out for a few hours.
In the mean time, doggie has found a hole under the fence that she is using as her escape route to the neighbor's yard. At least now she is coming back on her own. --Plan for Sat. to put down 15 bags of mulch and get some wire over the hole.--
I feel the same way about walking, etc. I thought by now I'd have lost 15 lbs. or so, but no. I blame it on the butter in Ireland, but in reality, the Freetos and Panara's bagels and other stuff are just as much to blame. I'm thankful that apple season is now on, I do love apples.
Our college football team won last night. I wanted to get up at 6AM and walk, but slept in until 7:00, late for me. Tomorrow morning I'm back in the swing of it and getting up at 5:30 AM and driving downtown to meet the running group and run/walk 7 miles.
Funny, dumb criminal of the day award--In yesterday's paper a man in south Fla. went to the drive in at McDonald's and attempted to pay for his hamburger with marijuana! Is that what you call a happy meal?
The drive through clerk got his tag and called the cops.
I just started making slippers for all 4 of the grand boys for their Christmas presents. This is a class I took at a quilt shop in April '07, about time I'm doing it.
The gift for the DD & DSIL is hiring a painter to paint the kitchen, family room, and pantry. He starts on Monday, so I'll be over there most of next week while DD and DSIL are gone, and kids in school. They have been trying to do it themselves for 3 years, and we've talked and talked about it, the paint was on sale at Home Depot and the painter is a distant relative. Hopefully he will do a good job. At least it will be nice and fresh for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year.
Sara in beautiful, cooler, Florida


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