Thursday, October 23, 2008

Movie review of "W"

An Oliver Stone movie, Josh Brolin gives such a convincing portrayal of George W. Bush, that many times, I forgot that he actually wasn't him. "W" is about three portions of George W's life, from the boozing, always in trouble young man, to the ambitious, problematic older man who the US citizens elected as their President eight years ago. Father George is well played as are the two actors who played Colin Powell and Condaleisa Rice (sp?), the latter, who came off as nothing more than a sychophant and yes-person to the president. The other cast members were so-so. It was Josh Brolin's movie. The fact that our economy is so deeply in trouble and people's portfolios, have lost huge amounts, made me not feel anything more for George, in spite of his troubled youth and troubled relationship with his father, than someone who is a disturbing man; someone not intelligent enough or equipped to do the job of president of the United States. I left feeling that if one man could be responsible for depleting the coffers of the United States Treasury through wars that need not have been (not excluding the govt's irresponsibility in not regulating the loan companies), it could be Geo. W. Bush. My 'pocket-book' is lighter thanks to the monitary slide in Canada. It's hard to believe that a political machine could have supported someone whose intelligence was so sorely challenged. Still, it is a movie worth seeing and is thought-provoking.



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