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Jane, if you have not turned off your computer, sometimes the computer thinks you are already logged in. It will ask for your password for the next session, after you reboot the computer.Things are hot here, but we finally got some rain yesterday. We're still in a drought in north Alabama, but it's not as bad as last year, yet.
I'm two weeks into my summer break here. I did go back for a workshop on an "Interwrite System" for my classroom. I'll get a projector which can show anything on my computer screen to large groups of people (in other words, students!). I also got a pad which allows me to write on the screen. I can work examples, circle things on the internet, put extra steps on power point programs, click buttons on websites, and be able to move around the classroom while I'm doing it. This is all wireless...Really cool stuff!
I won some money at school for loosing the largest percentage of my body weight. That's really exciting, but also scary, because I only lost 23 pounds and have another 20 to go. There were very few people competing for the money.
I've been doing some fabric sorting, sewing on my mother's quilt, and preparing apple core blocks to sew together by hand on my trip next week. I'm sewing them together, inside out, leaving a hole to turn them. I'm not putting any batting between the pieces. I'll hand stitch the openings, and baste them together. I'll then use a decorative stitch on my machine when I get home, and sew them together. It should make a nice summer weight quilt. One side is brights and the other is blues.
My nephew is graduating from High School in the DC area. It's a twelve hour drive and I'll be going with my parents. They are in their mid seventies, so I guess I'll be doing most of the driving. I hope to get by Jinney Beyer's studio again this year. It is incredible.
I've enjoyed all the new posts recently. I check every day.
Laura in Alabama
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