Thursday, September 27, 2007

anna update

Well, what can I tell you. I went to the specialist, and I think the endocrinologist was the same rude woman I got 15 yrs ago. But she was rude to all her patients, not just me. Her first statement was: "Anything you say, I'm going to tell you it's not your thyroid." Great. As far as she's concerned it's all normal, and no, my cholesterol isn't too high. And no, it's not my thyroid. "Lose a few kilos, girl." I got the distinct impression I'm just lazy and sit on my backside. BUT--then why did she order another blood test for antibodies?

DH went with me and agrees she was rude and unpleasant. We were there for all of about 10 minutes. She did ask if I had trouble swallowing and when I said yes, she acted so surprised! How can that be? After all, it's not my thyroid, right? She said the same sort of thing to the 2 patients who went in ahead of me…so I think she’s just got an attitude. They drew some more blood and I got my appointment to see the endocrinologist again (the same nasty one). It's for the 22nd of October!! Since they send her directly the results of the test, I don't know if she will look at it and say, "Oh no big deal," or what. Jose says he is going to ask her for a copy. If she says no, he may make a fuss.

In any case, I will continue to take the small dose of thyroxine that the GP gave me, and if I run out before the appointment I will go back to the GP and ask for another prescription. It’s helping anyway.

I wonder if there's anything I could do diet-wise to help this. Since Wednesday last I have been walking by myself an hour, at my own (faster) pace, and walkies with DH are extra. (He tends to saunter, instead of walking). I've gained 3/4 lb but whenever I start walking again after a hiatus I notice a small gain. I wish I had a pedometer. They have them, if I get some classes I may just save up for one.

I’m glad DH went with me so he could see it wasn’t just me being paranoid, she really did ignore me. Every time I tried to talk to her about symptoms and problems she would interrupt me and talk to her nurse about something else, or just say, “That’s normal, it’s not your thyroid.” If we don’t get any joy on the 22nd DH says he will take me to a paid clinic. I worked hard this summer, I can afford (?) it. So far I have 2 hrs a week slated, and there should be more. And I haven’t hung up flyers yet. This summer’s students have had a good pass rate, including a couple that I frankly expected to fail!

Quilting…not so much. Life is getting better since it got cooler and we’ve had some rain storms. If I were a millionaire I’d buy a house in France and one in NZ and never see summer again, just fly from autumn to autumn!


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