Phew ...!!!
Do I detect that you are irritated by the poor quality of the fabric Rosey ?????(nothing gets past me !) You've got a wonderful way with words !! I nearly fell off my chair when I read your post !!Welcome back Anna ! So good to hear that life is less stressful for you these days. Keep posting ! We need your input here ! We can't get Broadband here either and by the time the form comes up I too, have often forgotten what I was going to comment on !
We are having a brief respite from the cold, wet weather. I was able to hang the washing out yesterday for the first time for a few weeks. It's so nice to see the sheets blowing in the wind and they smell so nice too !
DH has gone off to golf today. His "grandfather's back " recovered almost as soon as the grandchildren left...
I plan to revisit a little place I "found" two weeks ago. A small place with "Quilting and Coffee" over the door. I thought that was worth a look. It's all new, very nicely appointed and has beautiful bags of all sorts and sizes, as well as quilts, displayed on the walls. I spoke to the lady in charge. She is Japanese and her English isn't too good. However, I managed to get from her that she has been quilting for 15yrs and always hoped to have a place where quilters could go to see her (beautiful)work and enjoy a coffee. I asked about classes , she said "soon" I asked about kit sets (or at least instructions) and she said "coming".. The fabrics she had there were very different and quite lovely. Her work was displayed in custom made recesses. It was all beautiful. I think I will celebrate this sunny mid-winter day by revisiting...
Have a good day
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