Thursday, May 31, 2007

Masked bandits

Rosey - my kitty problem pales in comparison with your furry visitors. I do know that raccoons can get up to about 50 pounds in size. An animal that large can do considerable damage. A friend where we used to live would regularly lose her cats to the 'coons. They finally had to resort to trapping them and having Fish and Game haul them away (the coons, not the cats LOL).

We tried a new remedy for our kitty outhouse problem. A neighbor told us to scatter cinnamon sticks throughout the beds. Worked for about two nights, but.......they're baaaaaaaack!

This past weekend we worked at installing a water feature in the back yard. I took this picture just after it was watered, so the mulch looks quite a bit darker than it actually is.
Yesterday DS#2 came over and helped erect a pergola. As we were sitting outside having coffee this morning, we both looked at the pergola and decided that it should switch places with one of the trees. Anyone know how long it's safe to move a bare root willow tree? It's only been in for about two or three months, but it's putting out quite a few branches. Don't know how extensively the root system grows in a few months. Even though it's nearly impossible to kill most willows, I'm afraid that we probably could manage!


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