Saturday, April 14, 2007

Backsides of horses!

Perhaps this needs some explanation! LOL

I have recently been introduced to the wonders of "barn cams" and have been watching a couple of sites which have web cams in stables. With a little patience you can manage to watch horses foaling all over the world. It is somewhat addictive, I fear, for those of us who are farmers at heart and who used to spend a great deal of time with horses.

I share Rosey's admiration for alpacas. They are lovely animals -- and if someone would just donate a couple of them to me I would be happy to give them a good home! But they are too expensive for my budget, sadly. I will just have to make do with the sheep and the chickens. And the cats and the dogs. Oh, yes. And the parrot. Hmmm. Maybe I already have enough critters...

Jean, where it is still too cold to shear the sheep


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