Saturday, April 14, 2007

Whoops, put this on the other page...

dog bisquits and alapacas
Pat, maybe Jean might have some input into baking dog bisquits without grains but I just can't see how it can be done without flour of some sort. I do feed our guys raw meat nuggets, which they enjoy, but otherwise, I feed dried kibble (Fromm, Wellness & Canidae) and whatever veggies or yougurt that are around. If Jean checks the board, inbetween checking out the backside of horses on the internet these days, maybe she has some suggestions...Web-cams I'm learning about and there is one set up at the Alpaca Ontario show this week-end at our nearby Agricultural Centre here in Orangeville. (I'm a member) You may be able to access it at: The show is on tomorrow morning as well. If I won a would come some alpacas. They are adorable and so peaceful with their little humming and are loving animals. One man told me this morning at the show that he slept in their barn at night on a hammock and woke up in the middle of the night because one of his alpacas was nuzzling his ear. I am a frustrated farm person...won't say farmer because they work hard at what they do...I just play at working hard.Rosey...and we are expecting more snow over the next two days...sheeesh...
posted by RoseyP @ 4:46 PM

Pat, since then, my raw feeder on the L doesn't know of any grain-free dog bisquit recipes..


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