Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday check in

Did more clean up on yard yesterday.  At least when there is snow there is no "urgency" to trim bushes.  The yard guy missed a few bushes, so today I'm going to get them, and then give one more try to the back deck.  I tried the DIY method yesterday, but the garden sprayer was clogged.  TSP, clorox , and water, spray on deck, brush with push broom, let wait 15 min, then hose off.  Not quite as good as pressure washer, but saves on borrowing one or renting one.
It does need to be stained again, but will have to hire someone for that.
After a long soak in the tub and a short nap, started the clean of sewing room.  It is going to be a task.
have 2 large bins filled.  Two or 3 more to go.  Will have to put some of the furniture in storage for a while.
Sun is shining, about 75 - 80 here.  Weeds growing faster than the ferns and plants.  Still some freeze damage - though most of it is gone.
I heard water running when I let the dogs out this morning at 7.  One of the sprinkler heads is broken, so have to get the sprinkler person over this week.  Hopefully the drywall person can get here.  He has put us off for other jobs for 3 weeks.
The paperwork to sell has been signed.  The MLS and yard sign go up a week from tomorrow.  Between now and then the prof. photographer from the real estate agent will arrive to take pics.
OH, my.
Exciting times.
Sara in Fla.


At April 27, 2014 at 9:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are getting closer.

If I may...just one small hint. When I was helping my son look for his new house this past fall, I found one thing that really turned me off when looking at those professional pictures. Hate, hate, hate looking at someone's open toilet! Be sure that they put the lid down before taking the pictures. JMHO, but I'm sure I am not the only one who thinks so.


At April 27, 2014 at 10:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I left an answer earlier, but apparently the blog gods didn't think it should post.

I just had a comment or suggestion to make about when the professional photographer comes to get the house pictures. While helping my son find a new house this past fall, I found that looking at bathroom pictures that showed an open toilet was a HUGE turnoff. Make sure the lids are down before the pictures are taken.

Now we will see if different wording will allow me to post.



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