Friday, November 15, 2013

From Mary Jo G.

I tried to post comments but cannot. Do not understand that as I can post thru Google elsewhere. Thank you for your kind thoughts. The past two weeks have been wonderful. Am getting better each day and my energy levels are returning. Am even back to quilting working on Christmas gifts. Sara, my radiation was in pill form targeting thyroid cancer. I am in isolation during treatment and have to toss my toothbrush, mouth guard and such after. Can only microwave my own meals and not touch or prepare other's food. All is eaten on disposable dishes and utensils. Must stay away from children and small animals and cannot come closer than 4' to humans. It makes a long week; have done it twice. Yours, with beams going directly to the eye may be much different. Please let us know what your doctor says. The move to the upstairs quilt room will wait till spring after we return from AZ. Meanwhile, I went through all of the quilts stored to lay them flat on the bed now that company is over for the winter. Way too many! Am mailing out 5 this week to cousins, a niece and an aunt. 9 more will become Christmas gifts. The more I give away, the more new ones can be made. Have rotated the 20 in use for winter ones. Two are on each bed, one as a spread and the other folded at the foot. The rest are table toppers or on walls. Now I need to make new pillow covers for the living room to match. DD moved my fabric up this summer and did a wonderful job storing it all by color. The kids took AZ's quilt room things up and put them directly in front of the shelves so I could not reach any fabric. Have sorted and moved all so it is accessible now. Found 25 tote bags with projects (PITS, projects in tote bags). They will be sorted, many eliminated and fabric returned to shelves. Have found that a set of fabrics might have 2-3 possibilities before a final quilt pattern is chosen. Blessings, MaryJo


At November 15, 2013 at 8:56 AM , Blogger RoseyP said...

Mary Jo, it's amazing what can be done now with radiation. Is it true you might glow in the dark??

It's funny you should mention taking your quilts out and laying them flat on the bed. I've done just that for the first time (they are stored in large cupboards beneath the window seat in our bedroom. I've closed off one B&B guest room and am using the king-size bed to lay the quilts out flat and hoping I don't get a call for all three guest rooms over the winter. The B&B is usually pretty quiet over the wintertime up here.

At November 15, 2013 at 11:02 PM , Blogger MJ said...

Hi Rosey,
Thank you again for posting for me. I store my quilts on the bed each winter while we are gone. No wrinkles or stress that way. Hope all is well with you.


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