Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Update on mystery

I was typing this and it all went "Poof".  Will try again.
As of last Friday I have an answer to the stomach mystery.  It isn't IBF, as I thought, but Celiac disease.  I was quite shocked.  A further shock was that the Gastro doc said I've most likely had it all my life.  So, won't be eating all those cookies I baked for 2 days last week.
The doctor sent us to Barnes and Noble to get "Celiac Disease for Dummies", saying it would answer all our questions, and was well written.  So, we have been reading up on the subject.
Lavinia was asking me how it was discovered--during the Endoscopy several biopsies are taken of the small intestine.  The lab can see that the "villi" little hair like things, are destroyed.  Fortunately I am on the low end of the scale of severity.  In 1970 I broke out in hives when trying to drink a beer.  Cigarettes did that in the 1960's, so I never drank beer or smoked, but just though it was an allergy.
I can have all the fruits and vegs, meats, chicken, and all those things.  Including wine!
Just no pies, cookies, breads, pizza crust.  Thankfully that the book "Wheat Belly" and some celebrity-types also have this problem, so gluten-free things are easier to find.  We went to Whole Foods (grocery store chain) and got some gluten-free snack crackers, etc.  My local grocery also has lots, and they said they would order anything I requested.
I really like oatmeal, gritts, and non-wheat things, so will have an adjustment period, but it's not going to rock my world.  This also may be the cause of the anxiety,migraine headaches, and other strange things.
We invited 12 people for chili on Friday, so have been cleaning, stashing things away for 2 days.  I finally got all my Mom's stuff off the dining room table, but it is in plastic bins, and bags.  Still not sure what to do with things like my father's college deploma (written in Latin) and other odd things.
OK, more than anyone wanted to know, I'm sure.
Those quilt pictures sure look great.  Love the one for the grand Sarah--good name.
Sara in Fla.


At December 12, 2012 at 12:29 AM , Blogger Mary in Oregon said...

Sara, I'm glad you finally know what's going on! We got a flyer from our local hospital this week which gave a link for gluten-free recipes: http://glutenfreecooking.about.com/

Best wishes as you learn to live with this.
Mary in Oregon


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