Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday ??

Sometimes I wonder which planet I live on.  What's all this about "Black Friday " ?  I think this is the first year I've ever heard of it.  I had an email from Amazon saying that they were having a "black Friday" sale.. At first I thought that we must have a Friday 13th coming up, but I see we are further along in the month than that (  :) ...) Then I heard on the radio,that Black Friday was probably the busiest shopping day in America .... yesterday I received another email, this time from " Better Books" telling me that they were having a sale too.......  Sounds to me that it's just another day to be bullied into buying things that we neither need  nor want ! But when did it start and what is the thinking behind the "black" bit ?   Curious minds need to know.

All is well down here in NZ.  We have a volcano blowing it's top in the Nth Island, but nothing serious !  The weather is moderate. We are still waiting for those sunny summer days.. They seem a long time coming this year.  I have finished the Christmas gifts that I was making and have returned the spare bedroom to it's original purpose. (I use it for a sewing room , the light is good there and the view of the garden is inspiring !) I sent my cards and gifts to UK this week.  Nearly had to take a mortgage out to cover the postage..

Friends called in last night in their "just bought but not new" MG sports car !  Wow !   I'm not a car fancier myself, but  that one certainly pressed my buttons !!  It's a fun car meant for happy times.  I could be tempted ....

We've become a community of "demolition watchers."  One of the tallest buildings in Christchurch is due to come down today, crowds will gather ! Personally I am more interested in the rebuild, but there's not a lot of that to see just yet...

Enjoy the week end.



At November 23, 2012 at 4:54 PM , Blogger Kathi in Idaho said...

The "black" refers to the day that merchants go from being "in the red" to "in the black". Businesses finally begin to make a profit for the year.

And no, I haven't set foot outside of the house today. I can't think of anything I need badly enough to make me brave the crowds!!


At November 24, 2012 at 12:06 AM , Blogger Marion in NZ. said...

oooooh ! Thank you Kathi ! I would never have guessed that was the reason beind it. We've had "Boxing Day Sales" here already ! The world has gone mad !

At November 27, 2012 at 3:45 PM , Blogger Doris W. in TN said...

Marion in NZ - "The world has gone mad!"

You are just now realizng that?!? LOL

Yes, Black Friday is supposedly one of the busiest shopping days, as Kathi said, where retailers hope they'll have enough profit to get them out of the 'red' (deficit/loss) for the year.

I avoid stores all Thankstgiving weekend. The news film clips of people madly dashing into stores, knocking each other over and worse, keep me home.

For decades, I did my Christmas shopping from mail-order catalogs. Now I do it online. We all send our wish lists via e-mail and include links. It is so very easy!

At November 29, 2012 at 9:08 PM , Blogger Donna T said...

Marion in NZ, Black Friday is designated as the day that does so well in the stores, that the store owner is "In the Black" as opposed to "In the red" Red being loosing money and black being making money. So the day the stores are making money because people are spending for the holidays. It has been called that for many years. I think this year is getting out of hand. They started on Thanksgiving Day. So many of the stores were open either all day, opening at 8:00 or even midnight. Crazy

Donna, LEH,NJ


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