Wednesday, March 14, 2012

First acpuncture treatment today

BTW-the Y2K quilts are all lovely.
I wanted to get off of the med the Neuro doc had given me, as they were giving me anxious thoughts, and weirdness that I don't need more of. After checking with my Blue Cross insurance I found several chiro. docs in the town that do acupuncture, and went to one this morning. Had some deep tissue massage, the acupunture, and have a lot less kinks in the neck and shoulders.
Hopefully this will keep me from having those terrible migraine headaches. We are driving to the Tally. Fla. area on Friday for a wedding. After that flying to Branson, MO on Monday to see some shows. This flight is to use the flight vouchers we received last May when I got so sick with the migraine and couldn't get on the plane. Looking back, with all the trouble we have had I would have just boarded the plane! I could have thrown up there, and then gotten it over with, and gone on to see the grand kids.
Airline alert--don't ever fly Allegiant Airlines. Terrible customer service--as in none. If and when we fly again we will go with another line, just pay the price and change wherever we have to.
Sara in sunny Fla.


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