Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Some day before I die (at my age that could be next week) I am going to land on your doorstep. I heard from an airline pilot when I was a kid that he'd been all over the world and that New Zealand is by far the most beautiful country. The idea of being right next to serious mountains and the beach at the same time is just tantalizing. Love the summer pictures all winter long. Keep 'em coming.

Speaking of pictures, when I get some of the gotta do things done I am going to add to the parade of doggy pictures. It's hard to catch Rocky being still enough although my grandson took a great picture of him sleeping on the sofa before I shooed him (Rocky, not Peter) off. Actually I think I may have already posted that one. Kit is tough to photograph because she's very leery of the camera as she is of many things but I've made many attempts. She is quite beautiful. As a field bred Springer she has more of the bench bred beauty than most.

Fighting a severe case of blues right now. My doc, trying to solve an unrelated problem, cut my anti depressant in half and I've had some cpap adjustment made and more about to be made so I'm really in the dumps. The primary doc is inaccessible at the moment as he's having a rotator cuff repair done this week and he's a sole practitioner. In the meantime I've gone back to the earlier dose of clomipramine and hope I don't feel like a wet blanket when I get to Rochester to be with DD and the grands. I'm heading up there on the 20th and my faithful neighbor is dog sitting. He's made a project of getting Kit to bond and has gotten within about two inches. That is, she has gotten within a couple of inches of him.

Sorry about the whine. You guys are such good sports and I had to say these things to somebody. The resident therapists are demanding a hike up the mountain and that's always a mood lifter.



At December 14, 2011 at 10:29 AM , Blogger Sara in Florida said...

Jane- as a fellow sufferer of the "blues" I can relate. Go outside and get some sunshine on your face for 20 min. Even if there is no sunshine, go outside and take a walk around for 20 min. You will feel so much better.
Put on your favorite Christmas music. Music makes everything better, just be sure it isn't the slow draggy music.
Sara in Fla.

At December 14, 2011 at 3:27 PM , Blogger Marion in NZ. said...

Jane, I "see" you as an "overcomer", I hope you will be over "the blues" soon. You seem to be upbeat about the most challenging of situations. Not easy when you live alone and it's mid-winter and you are dealing with health problems.... So pleased that you have your resident therapists on hand, nothing like an understanding pet to share your feelings with !
Take care.

At December 15, 2011 at 6:56 AM , Blogger Sara in Florida said...

BTW-I seem to have "lost" your E mail addy. I have a cute pic. of dogs that I would like to send you by snail mail-do you feel comfortable with posting it here, or at least your E.?
My E is s ashauer at
Sara in Fla. where it is supposed to be 75 today


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